Built In Stain Resistance highlight logo
Built In Stain Resistance highlight icon
Triexta carpet stays beautiful longer thanks to the unique fibre structure that is engineered for stain resistance. This is engineered into the fibre at the molecular level, preserving the beauty of the carpet.

Permanent stain protection is built into every fibre, all you need is water to remove the most stubborn household food and beverage spills - even red wine and cordial. With no need for chemicals, cleaning your carpet has never been easier.

Put simply, staining can occur on regular carpets when a spill bonds to the fibre. But triexta carpets have no dye sites, preventing spills from adhering and becoming stains. Spills sit on the outside of the fibre where they can be easily washed away with just water. This is thanks to the breakthrough triexta fibre that is engineered to be negatively charged, naturally repelling spills to prevent stains - compared to regular carpets that have a topical stain protection treatment.

You can also play with your pets indoors worry free, as the built-in stain resistance doesn’t allow mishaps to penetrate the fibre.

Built In Stain Resistance Products

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New Sunrise

Triexta Carpet

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Soft Embrace

Triexta Carpet

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Scenic Rise

Triexta Carpet

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Triexta Carpet

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Royal Charm

Triexta Carpet

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Mountain Chalet

Triexta Carpet

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Winter Flair

Triexta Carpet

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Triexta Carpet

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Velvet Appeal

Triexta Carpet

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Luxury Appeal

Triexta Carpet

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Winter Charm

Triexta Carpet